
May 2020

by 卓 坂牛

The theme of today’s one-hour design is the house of Kazuo Shinohara House in Seijo. Shinohara thought about how to put a building on this slope—resulting in the highest ceiling roofing. So assuming this roof over the original topography, was there an alternative to the design of the topography? This question is the theme of today’s article. Five students from Guatemala took part.
Endo and Horie showed excellent works. Endo proposed a charming studio with matching steps and space. Horie’s plan divided up ample space. I think it’s good that the partitions become a structure, and each area has a slightly different expression—a good proposal by Kubo. She placed two boxes on the slope, and an S-shaped line of movement is placed inside the box-in-box to fuse the hill and the ample space.


by 卓 坂牛


When I took a walk in the morning without a destination, I came across Masuda’s first work. I wrote a review of the exhibition of Masuda and Otsubo at gallery MA in the April issue of Architectural Technology. The intensity of works lies in the relationship between what they made and the existing rather than what they made itself. When I saw this, I knew it was true. But the spouse said it had strength in itself too.


by 卓 坂牛


I ate a cod Meunier, sardines, and grated radish, onion eggplant salad, sashimi of jack, miso soup of freshwater clams, and French chardonnay wine.


by 卓 坂牛


A morning walk to Denzui Temple. Near my spouse’s elementary school. Here are the graves of Ieyasu’s mother and Senhime here. And even respectable.



by 卓 坂牛


Can you cook Chinese food at IH? I thought, but the delicious Maboo tofu is very expensive. I bought some Chinese spice for 100 yen and made it there. It tastes like a pro when you put this. There is no reason to eat out anymore.

Spanish flu

by 卓 坂牛



According to a book on Spanish influenza, the number of deaths in Japan is about 450,000, which has recently become a hot topic. The time of this disease coincided with the end of the First World War, where just 300 people died, but the number of deaths in the Great Kanto Earthquake, which occurred shortly afterward, was almost 100,000. For nearly five years, more than half a million people in Japan have passed away.

The JIA is now interviewing architects about the impact of the corona. I’m sure you’re all predicting that society will make some changes and that this will affect what we’re trying to achieve. But in terms of the totality of the damage, this catastrophe that happened in the early 20th century was far higher than the one that surrounds us today. What on earth were the people and the architects thinking at this time? I’d love to know if anyone has written anything down.


by 卓 坂牛


A walk to the Sakamachi office. A beautiful card from Tetsuo Kobori among the accumulated mail. I was heartwarming by formal writing. On the way home, I bought some baked bread at Maison Kayser. It’s still warm and full of cheese, and it’s fragrant.


by 卓 坂牛

朝起きると家の中に発見がある。When I wake up in the morning, I find something.


by 卓 坂牛



by 卓 坂牛

ジャック・アタリには『愛の歴史』という名著がある。そこでこの『食の歴史』も読んでみた。30万年前に地球上に現れたホモ・サピエンスは一日3000k cal必要だったが、火で加工することを覚えてから消化と吸収が良くなり2000k calで十分になった。すると消化に使っていたエネルギーが脳みそに使われるようになり脳みその量が1.5倍に増えた。食が人間を進化させた。そして饗宴は知を育み、社会を作った。食は文化であり権力となった。ところが近代社会(特にアメリカ)は食を効率化しエネルギー摂取のツールとし美食学の代わりに栄養学を持ち込んだ。そのくせ当のアメリカは圧倒的に肥満の国になったのはなんとも皮肉である。昨今自宅にこもりコックとなった私は、これまで食事は錠剤で取れたらなんと便利だと思っていたモダニストだったが、その考えはすっかり変わった。食とは知であり会話であり創造であるとギリシア時代に戻ったのである。

Jack Atari wrote a great book called A History of Love. So I also read this book, The History of Food: Homo sapiens, who appeared on Earth 300,000 years ago, needed 3,000k cal a day, but after learning to process them by fire, their digestion and absorption became better, and 2000k cal was enough. Then, the energy used for digestion was used for the brain, and the amount of the brain increased 1.5 times. Food is what made humans evolve. And the feast nurtured knowledge and formed society. Food has become a culture and power. However, modern society (especially in the U.S.) has made food more efficient and used it as a tool for energy intake, bringing in nutrition instead of gastronomy. And yet it is ironic that the United States has become a country where so many obese people are. Having become a stay-at-home cook recently, I used to be a modernist who thought it would be very convenient to take my meals in tablets, but that idea has completely changed. It goes back to Greek times when food was knowledge, conversation, and creation.