With the advent of AI, it is said that machines will perform simple tasks and humans will share sensibilities, but is it true? It may be correct, but then how do you acquire sensitivity? It is born only on the accumulation of simple work. Don’t neglect simple work. While working hard on what you can do with machines, you can think of things you cannot do with machines.
Let’s say today to a freshman doing a copy of the drawing.
My spouse and I went to middle school with Shinobu Nimura, who has probably traveled to more countries than any of our classmates. He is a solitary travel guide who goes deep into places that ordinary people cannot go. On the other day he sent her the package, which she opened and found out that it was a rubbing book that he had gotten in China. It’s charming. It fits the open RC space in the basement.
The eaves of my house were not well-drained, and the water track was attached to both sides of the eaves, dragging mud from the balcony to become black streaks. I was going to have it inspected by the constructor in the first year and have it fixed, but I thought I’d have it removed. I tried. I bought a telescopic mop from Amazon (it stretches up to 1.5 meters) and cleaned it up, and it mostly came off.
Kouzuma Sekai’s “To Production” was taken up as a reference by students in a seminar. The year before last, when “Kenchiku no sekkei-ryoku” was still being written under the name “Kenchikuno seisaku- ryoku” in a class at the Tokyo University of the Arts. I had a student point out this book to me once. So I read it. And one of the things that I thought was true was that the “work” was a way for me to interact with the non-self through the “production” of the work. The author says that what arises between me and the non-me is externalized as a form. I thought the pointing out was honestly right. And by that non-me, I don’t mean the other me in me, but all things. I also sympathize with the possibility of expansion. Moreover, the dialogue between me and non-me doesn’t just apply to create, but now I think that even ordinary people are using SNS to interact and “produce.”

昨日はてんぷら。これが油っこかった。今晩はあっさりと、紫キャベツとグレープフルーツのサラダ、タコのジェノベーゼ和え、赤身の牛肉。Yesterday the dinner was tempura. It was oily. Tonight we had a light, purple cabbage and grapefruit salad, octopus with Genovese sauce, and red meat. Beef.
I’ve recently bought the right ingredients for lunch and dinner on my way home from a morning walk so that I can cook them quickly and appropriately. We have had hard-rolled noodles at lunch and eel tempura in the evening in its way.

This book tells us that recent history is moving away from Western-centrism and that various narratives are emerging. But Mark Wigley’s history of modern Western European architecture, which I’m translating, is another modern western architecture history eradicated and concealed by modernism history. It is a narrative. History is not about Western-centric history and the rest of the world, but rather about where and what perspective of the world. I think three, four, or five of them may appear depending on your standpoint.

The National Art Center Tokyo has two calligraphy exhibitions going on. The number of visitors is minimal, but my spouse’s calligraphy also saw the light of day. On the other hand, there will be no exhibitions for two months after those. Some of the shows that I had been looking forward to were canceled. I feel sorry for the people involved.

My little 9.5 cm x 16.5 cm notebook that I always use is out. I can find it at the university, but when I looked at the bookshelf, I found some small notebooks I hoarded in Nepal, which was a rough, coarse. Let’s enjoy the touch of this paper for a while.
When I stopped by the Kimura store on my way home from the gym this morning, I found a lot of fresh fish and decided to cook fish. It looks like a lot of work, but I bought two horse mackerel and three sardines and went home. I processed them before my doctor’s seminar in the evening. I managed to finish it in an hour. I prepared the sardines for the marinade and the horse mackerel for the simple grilling. I always freeze the fish heads and guts and put them in the trash.
My spouse came home when the fish was grilled after the seminar. I lined up the horse mackerel with kitchen paper and cooked them in a frying pan for 10 minutes on each side. It was cooked plump and fluffy.

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