I had a nostalgic exchange with Mr. Akiba, who sent me the latest news about the United States yesterday, and he said he was going to USC (University of Southern California) out of the philosophy of the University of Tokyo. I was probably in Los Angeles at the same time. USC and UCLA are rival schools like Keiou and Waseda. He said that a philosophy primer will be issued in August. I definitely want to read it. Should I make a seminar book?
A classmate who was playing soccer together in junior high school reported to our class e-mail.
He is now the Associate Professor of the department of Philosophy at Virginia Commonwealth University. It seems that the university will make face-to-face classes in the situation that there are many people with the most corona infection in the world, dead over 150,000, and more than 1,000 die a day. He said, “This country is completely politically divided into two parts, and even the question of whether to wear a mask or whether to open a school has become a political issue. “
It is understandable because some states still don’t teach evolution in school. That’s why Trump scream loudly about America first.

Diegoに教えてもらったオランダの牧師で建築家のハンス・ヴァン・デル・ラーン(Hans van der Laan)の作品集を買って勉強中。音が消えたような建築である。チュニックまでデザインするのはいいなあ。
I bought a book of the works of Hans van der Laan, a Dutch pastor, and architect, which Diego taught me, and am studying it. It’s an architecture that seems to have lost its sound. It’s nice that he even designs tunics.
I took a walk to the campus of the School of Literature at Waseda University. My daughter entered the faculty where I taught when I was teaching here. She came to listen to my class once, but I had never seen her at the university.
We met Mr. Kanebako through Zoom , he drew on our sketch without any hesitation to draw as it can be erased immediately. It may be more efficient than face-to-face.
An exploration of the integrated design of the bridge and the building. A proposal to balance the tension of the bridge with the tension of the roof. I thought it was a pretty good idea, but the bridge would shake when the roof shakes, and the roof would shake when the bridge shakes, plus there is no room for expansion joint at the division between civil engineering and architecture. So, forget about it.

On the way home from the gym yesterday morning, I found half of the shabu-shabu meat at the supermarket. I bought it with vegetables and went home. I had a seminar till 6 o’clock So it was a spouse who prepared materials for cooking. Let’s make it and a problem occurs. My spouse said that I would make sukiyaki, so he cut the vegetables for sukiyaki. The rule of my home is that the fight of saying no saying is useless. Let’s make sukiyaki. However, shabu-shabu meat is thin and has a slightly light texture.
“Will CLT become popular?” Yesterday, I asked myself while reviewing the doctoral thesis that positions CLT in construction plans. It can be said that it is a wood version of PC. In my translation “Concrete as Media”, PC board is a product of rationality that requires less skilled labor than exposed concrete, and thus the simple repetition that was born was disliked. It should be reasonable in Japan, but it is difficult to use due to its high cost. By the way, CLT is not as standard as PC board. This is also expensive. However, wood has a taste of wood and has high environmental performance. Therefore, the government is giving subsidies to support them. As for concrete, politics may have a large part to rely on politics. It would be also the case with the spread of CLT. However, creating good designs is the driving force behind its widespread use.
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