I have a lot of white shirts and pants, and I often wear white stuff. But in the case of architecture, I try to keep it as not as white as possible. I’m translating a book called “White Walls” if you want to say that. White is a label for the ism of modernism, and at the same time, truncates the spread of diverse designs. It is a reducing agent. And it was Bruno Latour who explained that modernity is this truncated reductionism. Today I received the book “White Things.” It is a book of photographs of white things by Masako Ito, who loves white, and whose clothes, bags, and tableware are all white. There is. Mr. Itoh is also cutting down the landscape of his life. On the one hand, I like it, but on the other hand, I feel Latour will offend by it.

I was thinking about the pedestrian bridge. It occurred to me that pedestrian bridge on the Autobahn that was in “Concrete as Media”. That reminds me. The Autobahn was built by the Nazis to increase patriotism, so it goes through the scenic parts of Germany. The author explained that they designed the pedestrian bridge over it to cut through the landscape beautifully. With that in mind, I drew a sketch, handed it to the staff, and came back to find that the scans that they shared I laughed at the upside-down.

JIAには17の委員会や全国会議がある。何をしているか会員にお知らせすべく委員長インタビューを開始。初回はJIA の4つの賞(大賞、環境賞、25年賞、新人賞)を取り仕切る表彰委員長の今村創平さん。コロナ禍の中賞の審査を行う決断をしたのは、賞の継続性が翔の価値を担保するからと考えてのことだと言う。学会も学会賞審査をするか否かで議論したが同様に行う決定に至った。
しかし日本は学会とJIA が似たような賞を出しているが、JIAは学会と差別化してもいい。世界から受賞を受けつけるとか。今年始めたミース財団主催の若手に与える賞などドイツの文化戦略ともとれるが、ベネチアに展示去れるのだから、若手が世界に羽ばたく登竜門となるだろう。日本の賞は日本の賞でしかない。
JIA has 17 committees and national conferences. A chairperson interview is started to inform members of what they are doing. For the first time, Souhei Imamura, the chair of the award committee, They are in charge of four JIA awards (Grand Prize, Environmental Award, 25th Year Award, and New Face Award). He said he decided to examine the Prize even in COVID-19 because the continuity of the prize secured award’s value. AIJ also discussed about whether or not to make an award this year then came to a similar decision.
However, in Japan, the JIA and the AIJ give similar awards, but the JIA may be differentiated from the AIJ. For example JIA Receive an award from the world, It can be considered as a German cultural strategy, such as the award given to young people sponsored by the Mies Foundation this year, but since it will be exhibited in Venice,It will be the gateway to the world for young people . Japanese awards are only Japanese awards.

I participated in the final review of Yasuhara and Hirano studio at the University of Tokyo and with Tetsuo Kondo as a guest. I was able to participate in the mid-term review so I could better understand it, and all 22 of them were able to work on their projects. The leaders’ hard work was evident: a third of the students were from abroad, and the Iranian students were from Tehran. Nowadays. I may be self-satisfied, but Cullen from the Sakaushi laboratory had a great project when I was at UCLA, and here again, Yokoyama was a great example of this. I’m glad to see that.
A study on Alvaro Siza that has been planned to be conducted in Lisbon is actually being done in Japan. Simulating the light environment in the Size space does mean that the illuminance is not uniform, but it is not even neither. The space is segmented into different shapes, each with different illuminance.

Bruno Latour is said to be an actor network advocate, but he is not. However, his thoughts inevitably lead to ACN. It is a question of his technology. He takes the position that he is both in the question of whether technology is autonomous or social constructive (whether it is a heterogeneous thing created by society). Replacing technology with architecture is in agreement with my opinion that architecture is also autonomous and social constructive.
In his doctoral dissertation, Mr. O wrote about Kazuo Shinohara, which is an analysis from an autonomous perspective. Although the relations with the times are questioned by the sub-inspectors, there are of course aspects that created the Shinohara architecture. No, Kazuo Shinohara, who looks autonomous, can be said to have been created by society. However, it is likely that Kazuo Shinohara’s social constructive aspects will be the contents of another doctoral dissertation. Of course, there is an actor-network analysis that does not assume such dichotomy, but as of now, I cannot think of a concrete methodology.
The sea bream were cheap so I grilled them with vegetables. The difference between the grill and the oven, which I finally noticed recently. The heating of the grill is from above and below and the heating of the oven is from four sides and the temperature can be setI But I still don’t know which function should be applied to which dish.

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