
Dec 2020


by 卓 坂牛


There is a genre named pragmatics in semiotics. The meaning of the symbol changes depending on the context, or In this context, these words have meaning and think about the case. And this relationship varies depending on the generation. Therefore, even if you comment on FB, it may not make sense at all, but it is usually when the generation is different.




by 卓 坂牛


Nikken seems to have stopped distributing the commuter pass. It is said that if there is a commuter pass, even weekend employee

will only be active within the commuter pass. I don’t have a commuter pass, but since I moved to Kagurazaka, the number of times I go to museums in Roppongi has decreased, and I became a Tozai Line user, and today I came to see Eiko Ishioka exhibition in Tokyo Contemporary Museum. As expected, PARCO, which shocked us in real time, were the best. Rather, Ishioka mentioned in this book is more exciting.



by 卓 坂牛


Yesterday we had the last seminar of the year. Every year, I feel the master’s design does not start even at the end of the year. I know they want to perfect their teory part of the thesis, but … I did a master’s design at UCLA. I finished 10 A2 boards with colored pencils, gold,and red. I woke up regularly at 10am and worked until 4am every day for 3 months. was fun. The results will be proportional to the time you spend!


by 卓 坂牛


I interviewed the new presidents of large architectural firms born in the 1960s. Mr. Shinozaki of Nihon Sekkei, Mr. Fujisawa of Kume Sekkei, and Mr. Omatsu of Nikken Sekkei (from January). I thought it would be impossible for the three presidents to gather at the end of the year, but it was realized probably because of Corona. The main story is a book recently published titled public space created in collaboration with Nihonsekkei and Nikken. Tokyo has changed around the beginning of the 21st century. In addition, we talked about Corona, the way the large architectural firm should be, and what they want university to teach. It will be published in the February 15 issue.



by 卓 坂牛
I have to go away for a building inspection this weekend, so I took a PCR test, and it came back negative. I’m going to interview the presidents of Nikken, Nihonsekkei, and Kumesekkei, so I was hoping to get the results before that. I am relieved to get it in the morning.陰性


by 卓 坂牛


I didn’t notice it for 7 years. There is a sticker on the floor circulator. It says this product was made in 2003 and has a useful life of 8 years, so if it is used beyond that, problems will occur. Great bold. The eighth year is next year.