
Jan 2021


by 卓 坂牛


Zoom in the basement. In between, I take a rest on the second floor.Do I make 10 round trips a day?


by 卓 坂牛


Recently, the spread of art exhibitions using SNS has become commonplace in Japan, I was surprised to see such a display at a supermarket yesterday. By the way, what kind of fish is Gokko?


by 卓 坂牛


Recently potted eucalyptus leaves have become red and hard. It seems to be withered but not withered. The leaves of eucalyptus planted in the ground are green though,


Bicycle urbanism

by 卓 坂牛

千葉さんから趣味がこうじてこんな本を作りましたとA+Uが送られてきた。題してBicycle Urbanism。舛添さんの頃からオリンピックまでにサイクルパスを倍にすると言われ、実行されず、小池さんは無視。いつやるのだ?世界はコロナでますますサイクルシティ化されているというのに。

A + U was sent from Mr. Chiba saying that his hobby was to make such a book. It was said that the cycle path would be doubled from the time of Mr. Masuzoe to the Olympics, and it was not executed, and Mr. Koike ignored it. When are you going to do it? Even though the world is becoming more and more cycle-cityed in Corona.



by 卓 坂牛

My spouse is suspicious that the reason for the relatively high blood sugar level is alcohol. So I went to see the dictor of diabetes. He said “There is no doubt about it,” . He asked if I didn’t drink the day before the checkup, so I answered that I didn’t drink after 10 o’clock, I was warned that “alcohol makes insulin less effective!”


by 卓 坂牛


I became a fan of Lu Xun and read “Lu Xun” by YoshimiTakeuchi. I savored the text, thinking that this is what fierce yet dignified writing is all about. I somehow sympathize with some of Lu Xun’s words in the book. I don’t want to share my thoughts with others… because I am not sure whether my thoughts are accurate or not…” “Literature is useless. Aren’t architects thinking the same thing? I don’t want to tell people… I don’t know if my ideas are accurate or not.


by 卓 坂牛


This book’s title is a questionnaire that I, as editor-in-chief of JIA Magazine, have also conducted on two separate occasions. It is short-sighted to think that urban compactness, which was born from the reflection on modern urban planning, will be destroyed by a pandemic. It is also difficult to imagine that a large city will become depopulated once people have fled. In other words, the idea is to maintain density while preserving the right environment. The most concrete example of this in the world today is the increase in cycling paths. They reported that both Milan and Paris are already making rapid progress in converting car lines into bicycle lines. I would like to see the 15-minute community (15 minutes of walking makes life possible) become a reality in Japan as well.