
Jan 2021


by 卓 坂牛


Yesterday, the interim presentation of two doctoral students and the thesis presentation of three fourth-year students in the night school were over, and the first wave was completed. Next is the end of the month when the total of 11 thesis projects will be presented. The third wave is the presentation of nine master’s students in February. Anyway, it’s a lot and I’m dizzy.




by 卓 坂牛


The fruit shop in Santiago is a model by Erica Nakagawa. Immerse yourself in the world of advertising and fruit. Now in the United States, the theory of model ontology has emerged, and the avoidance of anthropocentric views by models is being discussed.


President address

by 卓 坂牛


I listened to Biden’s address on CNN while eating lunch. It lasted less than 20 minutes. I couldn’t catch all the details, but I understood the main idea and was moved by it. The reason for this was not the content but the way he spoke. I felt that America is a country where he had to say such a content. How many times did he say “Unity” and “Together”? On the other hand, in Japan, the Prime Minister’s speech was like an office call, and I don’t even want to listen to it. Well, maybe it’s an easy country to live in because there is no need to say out loud that the country is “united” or that “everyone” should do their best.


by 卓 坂牛

FB 開いたらマルジェラのコートが現れた。羽毛キルティングでシェイプがいい。「欲しい」と配偶者に言ったら「買えば」と言われ値段を見たらディスカウントされて30万。「普通値段最初に見るでしょ」と言われた。老眼なもので0の数を間違える。

When I opened FB, Margiela’s coat appeared. Feather quilting and good shape. When I told my spouse that I wanted it, she said “buy it” and when I saw the price, it was discounted to 300,000 yen. She said, “You are supposed to see the regular price first.” Presbyopia makes a mistake in the number of 0s.


by 卓 坂牛


The design of the roadside station is integrated with the bridge. The bridge will be completed as a civil engineering drawing, so it is shared with Nikken Sekkei Civil. Unless architecture is combined with civil engineering, the feeling of disparity in the city will not disappear. Bridges, rivers, roads, retaining walls, dams, highways, tunnels, etc. Academically, it is quite far, so we have no choice but to collaborate at the forefront of design.


by 卓 坂牛

The roof of the roadside station rises diagonally in length, the short side is an arc, and there are many variables that determine its shape, so it is impossible to follow the changes with a model. We are chasing three-dimensional changes with CG while moving numerical values ​​subtly. Along with the roof, we are working on selecting the continuous shape of the slope and the bridge while making nearly 10 types of cross sections three-dimensional.


by 卓 坂牛
The front and back covers of the monograph are ready. How much will the price be? I’ve heard it’s between 20 and 30 Euros. 264 pages, 130 pages in color, that’s a reasonable price. But the problem is the shipping cost.


by 卓 坂牛

中川エリカさんのギャラ間プレスコンフェレンスは4人ずつ30分刻みで行われた。一階は事務所の制作現場を再現。膨大な模型である!2階はチリのフィールド調査。やはり膨大な写真が厳選され模型化される。初めてのサンチアゴで地震にあったスミ ルハンのトイレも再現されていた。徹底したモノとの向き合い方は現代の物派。いや部品派か?
Erika Nakagawa’s exhibition is going to be held at gallery MA. Press conference was held every 30 minutes for four people each today. At the first floor the production site of the office is reproduced. There are a plenty of models. At the second floor there is a field survey in Chile. The toilet of Smirhan, where I was hit by the earthquake in Santiago was also reproduced as a model.