
Mar 2021


by 卓 坂牛


When I read this book, my spouse was upset with me, saying that recruitment suits are a ploy by clothing stores, but I’m not sure. Until the 1990s, a recruiting suit (which is called an interview dress in English, by the way) cost more than 100,000 yen and was the first suit you wear after you got a job. However, in this century, it has become cheaper and cheaper, and now it is bought for a few tens of thousands of yen, and once you get a job, you don’t wear it anymore. Companies are asking students to show their individuality and dress freely, but students are saying that this costs money and it is easier to wear cheap uniforms. Well, my daughter doesn’t wear a uniform anymore, does she?

増田 大坪

by 卓 坂牛

増田、大坪の処女作はギャラ間の展覧会には展示されなかった。しかしうちの近所にあり彼らのルーツである。それを入れなかった理由は予想外だった。知りたい方は5月15日号JIA マガジンをご覧ください。

Masuda and Otsubo’s maiden works were not exhibited in the exhibition at the gallery MA last year. But it’s in our neighborhood and their roots. The reason they didn’t put it in was unexpected. For more information, please read the May 15 issue of JIA Magazine.


by 卓 坂牛

A passage of Chinese poetry used in the title of Kazumi Takahashi’s novel. It means that the human mind does not change like rolling stones. It is a lively and tasteful character written by Professor Seizan Ichizawa.

Academic sector

by 卓 坂牛

From April, student 1 will be an assistant at a certain university, student 2 will be an assistant professor at his alma mater, and student 3 will be an assistant. A few years ago, I started to introduce the way to the academic sector, then three pupils accidentally would start to work in this sector from this spring. Good luck!


by 卓 坂牛


On my way home from TUS, I stopped by the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in Ueno. I saw my spouse’s work at the Kenshin  Calligraphy Exhibition. She won the Shunkou Award and her work became postcard. I bought four and sold out.



by 卓 坂牛

今年は全員に自邸メーキングブックレット、1時間設計優秀者に2018年のスケッチブック複製版、設計優秀、卒計優秀者にミニポートフォリオ、修了するM2全員に贈る言葉とスケッチを描いたSakaushi Lab ノートをあげた。そして40分くらい人生訓を語った。シラフでこんな話しをするのは後にも先にも今日だけ。お返しにIssei Miyakeのバッグをいただいた。ありがとう!

This year, I gave everyone a  booklet if the making of my house, a copy of the 2018 sketchbook for 1-hour design excellence, a mini-portfolio for design excellence, graduation excellence, and a Sakaushi Lab notebook with words and sketches for all M2 students who complete their thesis. And I talked about life lessons for about 40 minutes. I’ll never  talk about this without drinking after today. In return, I received a cool bag from Issei Miyake. Thank you!




by 卓 坂牛

Akeda さんに撮ってもらった甲府センター棟とクリニック棟