
Jun 2021


by 卓 坂牛

DD85 DD70で気になっていた微妙なアンシンメトリーをシンメトリーにこの変更が水回りをちょっとプアにする。
DD70 makes the subtle asymmetry that I was worried about into symmetry. This change makes the water closet a little poor.


by 卓 坂牛


The sprout of ash is too cute.


by 卓 坂牛

There is a store in the neighborhood that sells good used furniture and tableware, and both of us often take a peek. The Itaka glassware she bought there is wonderful. I was worried that green wouldn’t match the color of the food but green look nice in green.


by 卓 坂牛


Recently, I buy only half the price of meat. Choose vegetables from a basket of 100 yen. Still, I  can make delicious food by combining them. After a year of training, I became able to cook delicious food at a much lower price than the restaurants. That’s why drinking, eating and supper is a blissful time. Nevertheless, both weight and body fat percentage are declining. I want to make it for people who want to diet.

ファッション イン ジャパン

by 卓 坂牛

国立新美に来たら、見たかった「ファッションイン ジャパン 1945-2020」 展が始まっていた。こうした通史的展覧会は初めてだろう。自分史を見るようで懐かしい。つくづく思うけど、ファッションって、新しいものが古いものより、素敵でかっこいいわけではない。それなのに変わる。一体何がファッションを変えるのか?ファッションに内在する自律的な力か社会なのか?業界の力学か?この問いはそのまま建築にも向けられる。建築が変わるのは何故なのか?

When I came to The National Art Center, Tokyo, the “Fashion in Japan 1945-2020” exhibition that I wanted to see had begun. This is probably the first such historical exhibition. I feel nostalgic as if I were looking at my own history. I think it’s hard to say that new fashion is nicer and cooler than the old ones. Even so, it changes. What on earth will change fashion? Is it an autonomous force or society or  the dynamics of the industry? This question is directly directed to architecture. Why does architecture change?