I worked in Switzerland for two months decades ago. I didn’t think much at that time, but after that I started communicating only Latin people and I think that the Swiss were serious. I am calling for panelists to participate in an international conference in Switzerland in September, but the questions returned are very detailed. I remember the old days.
There is a classmate in the hospital where I took a built-in CT scan, and when she look at the image, she says, “You don’t have a body fat percentage of 5%.” I thought the numbers Jim’s institution would say were wrong, but they’re right.
昼は糖質50%オフ麺。出汁は和風出汁とブイヨン。これは結構いけます。ぐはトマト、長ネギ、豚肉にホワジャン(中華風山椒)をたっぷり入れて炒めます。50% off sugar noodles at noon. The soup stock is Japanese-style soup stock and bouillon. This is fine. Add plenty of Chinese pepper to tomatoes, green onions, and pork and fry.

Hongo, younger high school classmate , is a fashion designer from Furuya Lab. I received the book via his classmate, Mr. Hirase. Thanks to both of you. She live in Belgium, but I went to see her collection shown in Japan. I was attracted to the shade of knit from the dyeing of wool. The book was written as “I don’t use black”, which reminded me of the knitwear I saw in the past.

The name is said to represent the body, but soccer represents the character of the players. Easy to sharpen, gentle, dominant, devoted, etc. In half a day, I learned a lot of aspects the students.
建築学科研究室対抗フットサル大会が金町の大学脇人工芝グランドで行われました。梅雨明けに行われたのは初めて。坂牛研Aチームは優勝を狙いましたが3位、Bチームは予選敗退。また来年会いましょう。準備してくれたみなさんありがとう!An architectural futsal competition was held at the university side artificial turf ground in Kanamachi. This is the first time it has been held after the rainy season. Sakaushi Lab A team aimed for the championship, but 3rd place, B team lost the qualifying. See you again next year. Thank you to everyone who prepared!

建築学科研究室対抗フットサル大会が金町の大学脇人工芝グランドで行われました。梅雨明けに行われたのは初めて。坂牛研Aチームは優勝を狙いましたが3位、Bチームは予選敗退。また来年会いましょう。準備してくれたみなさんありがとう!An architectural futsal competition was held at the university side artificial turf ground in Kanamachi. This is the first time it has been held after the rainy season. Sakaushi Lab A team aimed for the championship, but 3rd place, B team lost the qualifying. See you again next year. Thank you to everyone who prepared!

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