
Dec 2022


by 卓 坂牛

Fujimi Hut 引き渡し、滝口建設とは5つ目の仕事。相変わらずいい仕事。現場監督の高野は坂牛研出身。ありがとう😊。Fujimi Hut Handover, Takiguchi Construction is the fifth job. Good job as always. Site supervisor Takano is from Sakaushi LAB.Thank you 😊.


by 卓 坂牛

今年最後の仕事は金野千恵さんに芸大で公開インタビュー。care施設の仕事か多く福祉の仕事が多い私は共感することが多々ある。The last work of this year is a public interview with Chie Konno at Tokyo University of the Arts. She does a lot of work at care facilities. That’s why I have a lot of sympathy because I have a lot of welfare work.



by 卓 坂牛

In SD2022, I contributed a review of the house in Kikuna Kaizuka by Taishin Shiozaki and Saeko Kobayashi.


by 卓 坂牛

親父は専従組合委員長を数十年やっていたから人生かけていた。国労がまだ元気な時代。それに比べると私たちの組合は子供の喧嘩。しかしまた新しい形のアセンブリが必要な時代になってきたと思う。Last night I had my first job as an executive committee member of the Faculty of Tokyo Univ. of Science Union. Since there is also a teacher in the evening class, the meeting started at 9:30 pm and ended at 11:30 pm. It reminds me of the time when I was a union executive committee member in the Nikken era. Mr. Nakabun is the chairman of the committee, and Mr. Ikaga, who is currently a Keio professor, is the head of the Tokyo branch I was the subs of him. Although it was a gentle union, we fought quite seriously. It was a career course to become an executive committee member and grasp the company.
My father spent his life as chairman of the union for several decades. An era when national labor is still in good spirits. Compared to that, our union is like a quarrel between children. However, I think the time has come for a new form of assembly.


by 卓 坂牛

8.8坪のFujimi Hut の内部は結構広い。掲載誌には論考「流れと淀み」を寄稿。御一読いただければ幸いです。The interior of the 8.8 tsubo Fujimi Hut is quite spacious.Contributed the article “Flow and Stagnation” to the magazine containing this work. I would appreciate it if you could read it.



by 卓 坂牛

JIA Magazine’s opening interview “Originalities of Architects” series ends with the March 15th issue. Hiroshi Naito is the last time. In April, we will start a new “Architect as Possibility” project series. I would like to ask Mr. Tadao Kamei as the first interviwee so I explain the purpose. He came to my house. Thank you.

Fujimi Hut

by 卓 坂牛

Fujimi Hut のムービーが新建築オンラインにアップされました。ご覧ください。

A movie of Fujimi Hut has been uploaded to Shinkenchiku Online. Please take a look.