
Jan 2023


by 卓 坂牛

建築の設計力の講義は今日最終授業。ノート提出してもらった。120冊見るのは根気がいる。たいてい1講義1ページ。少し上手な子は左側を復習ページにし1講義2-4ページ。だからだいたい80ページのノートを頑張って半分たいてい4分の1くらい使って終わる。そんな中、2冊まるまる160ページ書き込まれたノートがあった。あっぱれ!The lecture on architectural design skills is the last class today. I had students submit a note book. It takes perseverance to see 120 books. Usually one page per lecture. For those who are a little better, the left side is the review page, and 1 lecture page 2-4. That’s why they usually end up using about half or a quarter of 80-page notebook. Meanwhile, there were two notebooks with 160 pages written in them. Awesome!


by 卓 坂牛

Hiroshi Naito started his office in this room 43 years ago. His high school days were full of freedom, his best teacher was Takamasa Yoshizaka, the reason for joining Kikutake Office, the appearance, the mediocre, the difficult questions. And what is the answer?


by 卓 坂牛

Hiroshi Naito is the last interviewee in the “Origins of Architects” series and the first interviewee in the “Architect as Possibility” series. The interview memo usually ends in 2 pages, but it is 7 pages. Today’s biggest question is to hear the answer to a conundrum in architecture…


by 卓 坂牛

From March 6th to 15th, WS will be held at Czech Liberec Technical University. This time, 15 TUS students will participate. An equal number of Czech student participants will be asked to work in 15 one-on-one pairs. We always feel a little away, so this time We are going to have a real match.