
Feb 2023


by 卓 坂牛

理科大の4年製図は大野友資さんと町をコンピュータ上でパルクール場にする。東北大の4年製図は伊香賀俊治さんと大学キャンパスカーボンニュートラル化を行う。他分野の方との共同スタジオは楽しい。Design studio in the 4th year of the Tokyo university of science turns the town into a parkour field on a computer with Mr. Yusuke Ohno. At Tohoku University’s 4th year design studio I will work with Mr. Toshiharu Ikaga to make the university campus carbon neutral. It’s fun to work in a joint studio with people from other fields.


by 卓 坂牛

1週間Fujimi Hutでソ連、スターリン下の建築を読んでいた。その前に毛沢東、その前にムッソリーニとヒトラーと天皇を読んでいた。つまり社会主義とファシズム(日本の戦時下建築はファシズムとは関係ないようですが)。執筆中の建築入門の最終章が「政治経済が建築を頼る」という章題でその一節が政治なので取り留めもなく読んでいた。政治のプロパガンダとしての建築の凄みと儚さは実に面白い。
I read Architecture under Stalin at Fujimi Hut for a week. I had read Mao Zedong before that, and Mussolini, Hitler, and the Emperor. In other words, socialism and fascism (although Japan’s wartime architecture does not seem to related to fascism). The final chapter of the introductory to architecture I was writing was titled “Political Economy Relying on Architecture,” The passage was about politics, so I read it without a hitch. The dreadfulness and ephemerality of architecture as political propaganda is fascinating.


by 卓 坂牛

1 week until submission of “I left an architectural design company to become an independent architect”. Checking photo copyright. Nikken’s first job, Hibiya Daibiru’s photo is suspicious. Flick Studio took a new picture. Nikken Postmodern (bitter smile).


by 卓 坂牛

明後日のゼミに合わせて来年度前期の輪読本を決めました。私の本を一番最初に読みます。偉そうにと怒られそうですが、この本には就活のことが書かれているからです。昨今大学が始まるとすぐにでも就活が始まるのでその心構えとして読ませるものです。I’ve decided on a reading book for the first half of next year in conjunction with the seminar the day after tomorrow. My book is first on the list. I might get scolded for arrogance, but this book has a chapter about job hunting. Job hunting starts as soon as the university begins, so I will have them read it as a mindset.


by 卓 坂牛

A bundle sample is ready. U board white thick paper, without cover. The list price is 1500 yen including tax.

by 卓 坂牛

今朝は-10度 It is -10degrees this morning.