井上靖と司馬遼太郎は2人とも新聞記者出身で美術、宗教担当だった。井上の芸術評価は瞬間的だった。一期一会と自ら言う。美学を学んだ人にしては理屈っぽくない。三十そこそこの井上が十以上年上の評価も定まっていた小倉遊亀の作品を剣もほろろに批判していたのには驚く。Yasushi Inoue and Ryotaro Shiba were former newspaper reporters covering art and religion. Inoue’s artistic evaluation was instantaneous. He says it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance. For someone who has studied aesthetics, this doesn’t seem logical. I was surprised that Inoue, who was around 30 years old, was so bluntly criticizing the works of Yuki Ogura, who was considered to be more than ten years older than him.
八ヶ岳は沢山の山の連峰だけどその中でも最高峰赤岳(2899m)はかっこいい。連窓の家#3のクライアントはこの山が見える場所を探して、この辺りに土地を見つけた。Yatsugatake is a mountain range with many mountains, but the highest peak, Akadake (2899m), is remarkable. The client for house #3 with consecutive windows was looking for a place with a view of this mountain and found a piece of land around here.
去年の12月24日がFujimi Hut初日。 1年目検査。大体快適なんだけどねえ。悪いことは起こるんだな。マーフィーの法則だ。
December 24th of last year was the first day of Fujimi Hut. Exactly one year yesterday. 1st year inspection. It’s mostly comfortable, but there are water leaks. I told you to be so careful, but bad things happen. Just like Murphy’s Law.
アカマツの上の方で上がったり下がったり横の木に飛び移ったりする生き物はどうもリス🐿みたい。松ぼっくり食べる日本リス?The creature that rises and falls above the red pine and jumps to the next tree looks like a squirrel🐿. Japanese squirrel eating pine cones?
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