
Oct 2024


by 卓 坂牛

配偶者の実家に家族で訪問。TORICHというニットを作る夫婦の作品展示空間として生まれ変わりました。住んでいた頃からは想像でもできない場所になりました。Family visit to spouse’s parents’ home. It has been reborn as an exhibition space for the works of a couple who make knitwear called TORICH. It has become a place I could never have imagined when I lived there.


by 卓 坂牛

娘に勧められた性格判断テストをしたら10くらいあるタイプの中から私は建築家型と判定された。大爆笑。I took a personality test recommended by my daughter, and out of about 10 personality types, I was determined to be an architect type. LOL.


by 卓 坂牛

竹中大工道具館を朝30分だけ見てきた。噂どおり感動的。また来よう。I visited the Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum for just 30 minutes this morning. As impressive as the rumors say. Let’s come again.


by 卓 坂牛

午前京都魚谷邸、午後西宮畑邸、京 大同期生の2人に付き合っていただき3人で話をしました。2人の建築は闇と光、同じ人間がこれだけ違う建築を作るのかと驚きます?1月に拙宅に2人を招き坂牛を問い詰める会をやります。展覧会で拙宅を見てないという方が数名いましたがこの日をご案内します。In the morning, I visited the Uoya residence in Kyoto, and in the afternoon, I visited the Hata residence in Nishinomiya. I was accompanied by two of Kyodai classmates, and the three of us talked. Their architecture is dark and light, and it’s surprising how the people can create such different architecture. In January, I will invite two people to my house for a meeting to question Sakagyu. There were a few people who hadn’t seen my house at the exhibition, but I would like to show them to you today.


by 卓 坂牛

The exhibition was tough as expected. After the exhibition was over, I conducted a preliminary examination of the two remaining doctoral students the next day and managed to get them to pass. And today I’m going to Kyoto. In the morning, I will visit Mr. Uoya’s residence and interview him, and in the afternoon I will go to Kobe to visit Mr. Hata’s residence and interview him. I will stay overnight and return to Tokyo tomorrow to have a meeting with my lawyer. My daughter will come over that night, we will have dinner together, and she will stay at my house for the night. The next day, my family and I will visitTORICI, a boutique that had renovated my spouse’s parents’ home. I’m looking forward to it.


by 卓 坂牛

坂牛研博士候補者2名予備審査合格。2月までの道のりを頑張りましょう。それにしても博士審査資格のある人不足気味。Two Sakaushiken doctoral candidates passed the preliminary examination. Let’s do our best on the way to February. Even so, there seems to be a shortage of teacher qualified for doctoral examination.