I finally sent out the editor’s note of the June 15 issue of JIA Magazine yesterday, and the manuscript will be submitted today (although we are still working on the title). I followed the influence of COVID-19 worldwide and covered it in a 40-page volume (about 32 pages since I became editor-in-chief). Six interviews with young architects from around the world, 40 questionnaires on the future in Japan, and 448 questionnaires on the impact of the current situation. Thank you very much. It was an exciting result that showed the differences in temperature between countries, a sincere eye for the future, the differences in the way cities and rural areas work, and the offices.
The cover is a portrait of the future architect, as envisioned by the Chilean architect Diego Grass. He sent me his typical half-cynical image. This picture is a piece called “Needs” by the French artist Courbot, who is painting a crosswalk. This artist is someone who takes the act of responding to the needs of the public and turns it into a work of art as it is. Diego doesn’t want an architect to be a star anymore; he wants an architect who meets people’s needs.
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