Bruno Latour is said to be an actor network advocate, but he is not. However, his thoughts inevitably lead to ACN. It is a question of his technology. He takes the position that he is both in the question of whether technology is autonomous or social constructive (whether it is a heterogeneous thing created by society). Replacing technology with architecture is in agreement with my opinion that architecture is also autonomous and social constructive.
In his doctoral dissertation, Mr. O wrote about Kazuo Shinohara, which is an analysis from an autonomous perspective. Although the relations with the times are questioned by the sub-inspectors, there are of course aspects that created the Shinohara architecture. No, Kazuo Shinohara, who looks autonomous, can be said to have been created by society. However, it is likely that Kazuo Shinohara’s social constructive aspects will be the contents of another doctoral dissertation. Of course, there is an actor-network analysis that does not assume such dichotomy, but as of now, I cannot think of a concrete methodology.