- 東北大でプレディプロマを見て欲しいと頼まれた。しばし考えたがやることにした。4回だけと言うこともあるが別の理由もある。いままで10くらいの大学で非常勤で教えてきたが、もっとも勉強し、こちらを圧倒してきたのは東大美学の連中だった。その中に東北大で建築学んでいた若宮という男いた。優秀ではちゃめちゃな男だった。彼とは未だに交信している。彼のような男にまた会えるかもしれないという期待がある。.
I was asked to teach students of the prediploma course at Tohoku University. I thought about it for a while, but decided to do it. There is a reason for that. I have taught part-time at about 10 universities, but the ones who studied the most and overwhelmed me were the ones at University of Tokyo aesthetics. Among them was a man named Wakamiya who was studying architecture at Tohoku University. He was an excellent and messed up man. I’m still communicating with him. There is hope that I may meet a man like him again. ..