Bicycle urbanism
千葉さんから趣味がこうじてこんな本を作りましたとA+Uが送られてきた。題してBicycle Urbanism。舛添さんの頃からオリンピックまでにサイクルパスを倍にすると言われ、実行されず、小池さんは無視。いつやるのだ?世界はコロナでますますサイクルシティ化されているというのに。
A + U was sent from Mr. Chiba saying that his hobby was to make such a book. It was said that the cycle path would be doubled from the time of Mr. Masuzoe to the Olympics, and it was not executed, and Mr. Koike ignored it. When are you going to do it? Even though the world is becoming more and more cycle-cityed in Corona.
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