S, who is the artistic director of the New York Japan Society, is a junior high school classmate who played music and exercise like me, so she is a close friend who can talk about them. She worked at Yasuhiro Hamano Commodity Research Institute, and at one point she said she’s about to quit. She says she sneaked through the shuraba (extremely tough time) three times, which is a condition of independence she imposed on her. What is Shuraba? She says she can’t ask anyone to solve the problem, can’t rely on anybody, can’t make a theoretical judgment, and if she makes a mistake, it can cause great damage and inconvenience. In other words, it is a test of courage that can be overcome intuitively. When I heard that and waited for that to happen, it happened soon. that was so hard. It was only that time that I cried when I worked. Thanks to that experience, I never think it’s hard to work after that.