This month’s “When Architecture is Born” is a sketch of a detail of the front door of Tomoaki Uno’s recent work “House in Takamine.” As the construction progressed, he thought that the sashes would be overwhelmed by the qualia (mass) of the stone, so he changed the details of all the sashes and believed that this would work. It is a time when details are born because it is details that we are dealing with, but it is also a time when architecture is born because this architecture would not have been possible without this detail. Mr. Uno is a rare architect who designs and builds, and he does so from the stance of fully satisfying their functional and cost requirements leaving the space to him in return leaving the space to him. He also takes care of all the maintenance and decides on the materials and details on this basis. He doesn’t paint the wood on the exterior walls; he doesn’t waterproof the concrete roofs, he doesn’t apply water repellents to the walls to make them easier to maintain. The building’s minimalist planning and appearance express his desire for the eternity of architecture as a “thing” and his strong will to create architecture on the same footing as the Ise Shrine and Greek temples.
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