文章術は数多くあれど、字数を限定したものは見たことがない。しかも200字というのは私の毎朝の文章量。早速買って読んだ。字数を減らすなら主語、形容詞、接続詞は省く、書き出しは短く、会話、数字、地名、人名から入らない。参考にすべきは漢詩。なるほど。There are many books about writing techniques, but I have never seen one with a limited number of characters. Moreover, 200 characters is my amount of text every morning. I bought it immediately and read it. If you want to reduce the number of characters, omit the subject, adjectives, and conjunctions, write short, and do not enter from conversations, numbers, place names, and personal names. Chinese poetry should be used as a reference. Indeed.
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