僕が理科大に来た時の最初の卒論生O君は面接の時に、僕はデンマークに留学しますと宣言した。向こうで就職し、いつか日本で独立しますと言って旅立った。そしてオーフスで学び修了、就職した。そして、日本に帰らず昨年デンマークで独立した。驚いたがこれからはこういう時代。目指せ!The first bachelor thesis student Mr. O when I came to Tokyo University of Science declared at the time of the interview that he would study abroad in Denmark. He got a job over there and set out to say that he would be independent in Japan someday. After studying at Aarhus, he completed his study and got a job. And he became independent in Denmark last year without returning to Japan. I was surprised, but from now on, this is what we should head for.