無宗教だと自認する僕(ら)はそれでも法事で寺に出向いたり、お墓に線香あげたりする。別にミサに出向くアメリカ人がどれほど信心深いかと言えば僕らの行為とさほど違いはないと著者はいう。つまり宗教は文化であり習慣のような「薄い宗教」と、困って縋りつきたい何かを求めて信仰を始める「濃い宗教」があるのだと。最近話題の宗教はこの濃い宗教を悪用しているということか?I, who self-identify as non-religious, still go to temples for memorial services and burn incense at graves. Speaking of how religious Americans who go to Mass are, the author says that they are not so different from our behavior. In other words, religion is a culture, and there is a “thin religion” that is like a custom and a “deep religion” that begins to believe in something you want to cling to. Is it that the recently talked about religion is abusing this dense religion?
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