お金がないのでFujimi hutは10坪足らず、伐採は最小限にして道路近くに配置した。しかしお金があったら20坪にして敷地真ん中に建てたかというとそんなことはない。
この場所を荒らすのは最小限にしたいから。ニューエコロジーの本を読むと、そんな些細な気持ちが大事だと知り我が意を得たりと感ずる。建築は自然をお借りしているのだから借金は最小限にしていつかお返しするものだ。Since there is no money, the Fujimi hut is less than 10 tsubo, and the trees were cut down to a minimum and placed near the road. However, if I had the money, would it have been 20 tsubo and built in the middle of the site? No.
I want to keep the nature of this place as the present condition as possible. When I read a book on new ecology, I realize that such trivial feelings are important, and I feel like I’m getting my point. Architecture borrows something from nature, so the debt should be minimized and repaid someday.
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