練窓の家No.3は雑誌2誌に掲載していただいたが、なんと竣工写真撮ってないことに気がついた。今まで自著に使ってこなかったから気が付かなかった。今回編集者が練窓の家1,2,3皆載せましょうと言われ雑誌スキャンをあて、いつか撮りに行こうと思っていたが時間切れ。クライアントにとってもらった今と数年前、どちらか使う。House with ribbon window No.3 was published in two magazines, but I noticed that there were no photos of the completed house. I hadn’t used it in my own writing before, so I didn’t notice. This time, the editor asked me to include all of houses with ribbon window1, 2, and 3. I scanned the magazines, and thought I’d go take some pictures someday, but I ran out of time. I use either now or a few years ago when I got it from a client.
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