10:30 のバスに乗るので9:30に家を出る。だから8:30の食事にあわせて7:30にジムに行くために起床は6:30。と思ったのに何故か5:30に起きて6:30にジムに行き7:30に帰宅して食事をして8:30にジャワーを浴び終わって初めて1時間早いことに気づく。やれやれ、I leave home at 9:30 to catch the 10:30 bus. So I wake up at 6:30 to eat at 8:30 and go to the gym at 7:30. But for some reason, I woke up at 5:30, go to the gym at 6:30, comes home at 7:30, eat and finish showering at 8:30 before realizing I am an hour early.