物事成就するなら背水の陣をしけと昨日書いたら、背水の陣とはどういうことですかと聞かれた。答えは逃げ道を自ら断つこと。手前味噌だが、受験は中学で一校だけしてそこに行き、大学は浪人して東工大しか受けなかった。留学も願書はUCLAにしか出してない。就活はしない。教員の応募も信大にしかしてない。運がいいねと言われる。そうかもしれないが、こういうのを背水の陣という。それなりに入念な計画と準備なくして成功はしない。When I wrote yesterday that if things were to come to fruition, you have to get your back to the wall. then I was asked what I meant by it. The answer is to cut off the escape route yourself. My experience is that I only took one exam in junior high school and went there. I only took entrance exams for Tokyo Tech. I only applied to UCLA to study abroad. I’m not looking for a job. Shindai only accepts applications for teaching positions. They say you’re lucky. It may be so, but this kind of formation is getting your back to the wall. Success cannot be achieved without careful planning and preparation.