昨日武田光史先輩に言われた。坂牛、えぐいタイトルの本書いたな、「会社を辞めて何とかって、」「はい、、いいでしょう、」「僕の周りに口のへらないやつが二人いる、塚本とオマエだ。理屈っぽい」「昨年京大で建築を理屈っぽく作るって言う講義しましたから自覚してます」二人して大笑い。I was told by Kouji Takeda yesterday. Sakaushi, you wrote a book with a fancy title, “I quit the company and do something about it.” “Yes, that’s fine.” “There are two guys around me who talk much about theory. Tsukamoto and Omae. “Last year at Kyoto University, I gave a lecture on how to create architecture in a logical way, so I’m aware of that.” We laughed much.