昨日座談会で資本論の話をしたら、続くガーデンパーティーで質問に来た留学生がいた。こういう時日本人は食いつきが悪いな。スェーデンと中国の留学生。今時の優秀な中国人はヨーロッパ人より英語が上手い。資本主義と社会主義の混ざり具合のいい塩梅はどこかという話しになった。どうも北欧社会民主主義は理想的。中国の国家資本主義は経済は発展するが息苦しい。日本は経済も福祉もダメなダメダメ国に堕している。そんな国に何を学びに来たか?興味深い。Yesterday, when I talked about capital theory at a round-table discussion, there was an international students who came to ask questions at the garden party that followed. At times like this, Japanese people have a bad appetite. Students from Sweden and China. Today’s talented Chinese speak better English than Europeans. The discussion turned to the question of where to find a good mix of capitalism and socialism. Nordic social democracy is ideal. China’s national capitalism is suffocating even though the economy is developing. Japan has fallen into a useless country with poor economy and welfare. What did you come to study in such a country? Interesting.
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