高橋晶子さんは京大時代課題をやると常に真ん中あたりにヴォイドができた。そのころ雑誌で自分と同じような設計をする人がいることを知った。それが篠原一男であり東工大の大学院を受験した。しかし修士は設計に参加することが許されず、2年経って博士に入り晴れて書いた最初の設計図は浮世絵美術館の家具の原寸図だった。When Akiko Takahashi did assignments during her time at Kyoto University, there was always a void in the middle. Around that time, she learned from a magazine that there was a people who designed similar designs to her. That person was Kazuo Shinohara, and she applied to graduate school at Tokyo Institute of Technology. However, the master student was not allowed to participate in the design, and after two years, she entered the doctoral program and her first blueprint, which she happily drew, was a full-scale drawing of furniture for the Ukiyo-e Museum.