立て続けに本出しているので何時書いているのかとよく聞かれる。昨日もある雑誌の編集長にどうやって書いてるのかと聞かれ、書くのを習慣にしていると答えた。ご飯を食べるように欠かさなければ少しずつだけど前に進む。格は違うが村上春樹も毎日決まった量を地道に書き続けると聞き真似している。大学で教えて設計をしてその合間に書くのは大変ですねと言われたけど、忙しくてもご飯は食べるから同じようなことだと思う。Since I have published many books in quick succession, people often ask me when I write. I was asked yesterday by the editor-in-chief of a magazine how I write, and I answered that I make it a habit. If you don’t miss a meal, like eating a meal, you will move forward little by little. Although on a different level, I have heard that Haruki Murakami also writes a fixed amount of paper every day, which I imitate. I’ve been told that it’s hard to teach at university, design, and then write in between, but I think it’s the same thing because even when you’re busy, you still eat.