卒論の発表会は皆で聞こうねって呼びかけても、僕が然るべき建築家と公開のインタビューやるから聞きに来ませんかと誘っても、オープンハウスやるよとアナウンスしても、まあ大体誰も来ないのは学生が忙しいのと先生の指導力不足と両方あるのだろう。昔故小島一浩さんが「建築家としての先生の鮮度は6年しか持たない。僕の鮮度はもうない」と言ってYGSAに行かれたのを思い出す。その気持ちはよーくわかる。Even if I ask everyone to listen to my graduation thesis presentation, I invite people to come and listen because I’m doing a public interview with the appropriate architect, or if I announce that there will be an open house, generally, no one comes. It is probably due to both the busy students and the lack of teaching ability of the teachers. I remember the late Mr.Kazuhiro Kojima going to YGSA and saying, “As an architect, your freshness only lasts six years. My freshness is gone.” I understand that feeling.