井上靖と司馬遼太郎は2人とも新聞記者出身で美術、宗教担当だった。井上の芸術評価は瞬間的だった。一期一会と自ら言う。美学を学んだ人にしては理屈っぽくない。三十そこそこの井上が十以上年上の評価も定まっていた小倉遊亀の作品を剣もほろろに批判していたのには驚く。Yasushi Inoue and Ryotaro Shiba were former newspaper reporters covering art and religion. Inoue’s artistic evaluation was instantaneous. He says it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance. For someone who has studied aesthetics, this doesn’t seem logical. I was surprised that Inoue, who was around 30 years old, was so bluntly criticizing the works of Yuki Ogura, who was considered to be more than ten years older than him.
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