坂牛研論文博士の日建のHさんの黄表紙 現代日本のテナントオフィスビル設計における都市環境への対応に関する研究(その1)が採用決定。朗報!!嬉しい。残り2本4月と5月に出す予定。現在他の博士学生2名の論文が査読中。なんとか残り3人秋からの博士審査にのせたい!!私の在職中に合格してください。
Sakaushiken’s doctoral thesis, by Ms. H of NIKKENSEKKEI: AIJ journal paper (part 1) on how to respond to the urban environment in the design of tenant office buildings in modern Japan, has been accepted. good news! ! happy. The remaining two papers are scheduled to be released in April and May. Papers by two other doctoral students are currently under review. I hope to get the remaining 3 people on board for the doctoral examination in the fall! ! Please pass during my tenure.