論を聞き磯崎さんについて拙著『建築の条件』で書いたことを思い出した。磯崎は自ら書いた弔辞を集めた挽歌集の副題を「建築があった時代に」とした。篠原一男への弔辞を読むと、篠原が建築があった時代の同士だったと読める。西村さん曰く磯崎はデミウルゴスとして建築を作ることを諦観していたと。建築があった時代を懐かしむ挽歌集と繋がる。磯崎は聖なる建築を信じる西欧の建築家(ラファエル•モネオのような)たらんと欲したが叶わなかったのか、諦めたのか、作戦をかえたのか、、I wanted to stay overnight, but after admiring Oita Bay, I ended up heading back to Tokyo. Mr. Nishimura’s “Sacred Things” and “Isozaki Arata Demiurge”
When I heard his argument, I remembered what I wrote about Mr. Isozaki in my book, “Conditions of Architecture.” Isozaki gave the subtitle of his collection of eulogies, which he wrote himself, “In an Era of Architecture.” When I reads his eulogy for Kazuo Shinohara, it can be seen that he and Shinohara were friends in the era of architecture. According to Nishimura, Isozaki had given up on building architecture as Demiurge. It connects with a collection of elegies that evoke nostalgia for the era of architecture. Isozaki wanted to be a Western European architect (like Rafael Moneo) who believed in sacred architecture, but it didn’t come true, or he gave up, or he changed his strategy.
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