昨日のWSに坂牛研OBがいた。日建に就職したはずだが、「先生の本読んで会社辞めました」と言っていた。先日法政でお会いした日本設計の方「先生の本読んで決めました、会近を辞めます」とおっしゃっていた。読む人は読んでくれているんだ。ありがたい。There was a Sakaushiken alumnus at yesterday’s WS. He was supposed to have gotten a job at Nikken, but he said, “I quit the company after reading your book.” The person from Nihon Sekkei whom I met at Hosei the other day
She said, “After reading your book, I decided to resign from the company.” There are people who read it. thank you.