今年は研究室が忙しい。7月からマドリード工科大の先生がTUS助成金で3か月、マドリード IE大学(世界ランキング一桁)の学生は自費で3か月、ウィーン工科大のイタリア人学生が交換留学で10月から半年、フランスのポスドクがJSPSのスカラーシップで夏から1年やって来る予定。さてどうなるかな?The lab will be busy this year. From July, a professor from the Technical University of Madrid will receive a TUS grant for three months, students from IE University of Madrid (single digit world ranking) will spend three months at their own expense, and Italian students from the Technical University of Vienna will study abroad for six months from October, a French postdoctoral fellow is scheduled to come to JSPS for a year from summer on a scholarship. Now what will happen?