富士吉田市のまちづくり協力隊にいたF君にインタビューされた。経験を論文化するそうだ。なぜこれほど長く密に富士吉田に関わるのか聞かれた。たしかにもうすぐ10年経つ。関わりたい人がいたからだろう。結局人のつながりが基本だと思う。大義名分でも金でもない。Mr. F, who was a member of Fujiyoshida City’s town development cooperation team, interviewed me. It seems that he will write a paper about his experience. I was asked why I have been closely involved with Fujiyoshida for so long. It’s true that 10 years have passed soon. I think it was because there were people whom I wanted to be involved. In the end, I believe that the connection between people is fundamental. It’s not about a good cause or money.