朝5時半にテレビをつけたら新人アナのインタビュー研修をやっていた。相手が「うーん」と考えたら焦らず待てと教えていた。僕もすでに80人くらいの建築家にインタビューしているが相手が考えこむような質問をあまりしてこなかったなと少し反省した。これからは相手が「うーん」と悩む質問をしてみよう。When I turned on the TV at 5:30 in the morning, there was interview training for new announcers. If the other person thought, “Hmm,”teacher was teaching them not to panic and to wait. I’ve already interviewed around 80 architects, and I regret that I haven’t asked many questions that would make the other people think deeply. From now on, try asking questions that make the other person wonder, “Hmm.”