出かける3時間前に起きる。白湯飲んで、ボーっとして、今日やること考えて、日記書くと1時間経つ。赤城神社の緑を浴びてジムに行って1時間。ご飯食べて、シャワー浴びると1時間。なんか無駄な気もして短縮を試みたが、そうするとあくせくして和まない。Wake up 3 hours before going out. An hour passes when I drink hot water, relax, think about what I’m going to do today, and write in my diary. I went to the gym through the green of Akagi shrine for an hour. It takes an hour to eat and take a shower. I felt like it was pointless, so I tried to shorten the length, but doing so made me feel anxious and unable to calm down.