篠原モノグラフで高橋、林、池原、槇、菊竹、磯崎、という同時代建築家との比較表を作っている、とある大先輩編集者に言うと、その中でいまだに生き続けているのは(後世に名を残すのは)篠原だけだねと言われてちょっと驚いた。磯崎、槇はどうですかと聞きたかったが、降りる駅が来てしまったので続きはまた今度、ゆっくりとご意見を聞いてみたい。When I mentioned to a senior editor that I was creating a comparison table for the Shinohara monograph with Takahashi, Hayashi, Ikehara, Maki, Kikutake, and Isozaki, I was a little surprised when he told me that Shinohara was the only one still alive (whose name will be remembered for posterity). I wanted to ask him what he thought of Isozaki and Maki, but I had already gotten off at my stop, so I would like to continue by listening to his opinions at a leisurely pace another time.