グアテマラの国際会議に呼んでくれたアナ•マリは威厳のあるISTMO大学の女性学部長。次の日紹介してくれた学長も女性。会議のオープニングスピーカーは副大統領で女性。皆風格もあり頭もキレた。日本は女性進出を阻む土壌が至るところにある遅れた社会だ。Ana Maria, who invited me to the international conference in Guatemala, is the female dean of the architectural department at ISTMO University, who is bigger and has a bigger voice than me. The principal who was introduced to me the next day was also a woman. The opening speaker at the conference was the vice president, a woman. They were all dignified and sharp-witted. Japan is a backward society where there are many obstacles to women’s advancement.
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