小澤征爾に憧れた人は数多いだろう。僕も小澤のようにスクーターに乗ってヨーロッパに行き指揮者になろうと思った。小澤のようにラグビー(僕はサッカー)やって泥だらけになってレッスン(小澤はチェロ僕はヴァイオリン)行ってもいいんだと安心した。結局音楽の道に進ま(め)なかった。建築に出会えたのは幸運だった。There are probably many people who admire Seiji Ozawa. I also wanted to ride a scooter and go to Europe to become a conductor like Ozawa. I was relieved that I could play rugby like Ozawa (I play soccer), get covered in mud, and go to lessons (Ozawa plays cello and I play violin). In the end, I didn’t pursue a career in music. I was lucky to encounter architecture.
朝若い建築学徒来宅、進路相談。拙著差し上げる。昼抜きでオープンハウス。午後事務所でクライアント打ち合わせ。概算に対するVE方針だいたい決まる。A young architecture student came to my house in the morning to discuss his career path. I gave him my book. Open house at noon. Client meeting at the office in the afternoon. Based on the rough estimate, the VE policy has been determined.
卒計OB会賞の審査終わる。残るは修論発表会と東工大、千葉工大の卒計、マドリドのワークショップ、最後は法政大江宏賞審査。Judging for the Graduation Alumni Association Award has ended. All that remains is master’s thesis presentation, jury of Tokyo Institute of Technology and Chiba Institute of Technology’s graduation projects a workshop in Madrid, and finally the HoseiOoe Hiroshi Prize examination.
腐敗と生成で自然の循環は成り立っている。その自然の上にできた街も腐敗と生成のメカニズムをもっている。腐敗したらメンテナンスし、街には新旧の融合が生まれる。しかし近代人はメンテナンスフリーなプラスチックでピカピカツルツルな建築を求めて失敗した。ジェーンジェイコブスが古い物を残せと言ったのは腐敗を受け入れよと言うことだ。腐敗が生成の栄養になる。そんな考えをマドリドワークショップで身につけてきたい。The natural cycle is made up of decay and generation. A city built on top of nature also has a mechanism of decay and generation. When it deteriorates, it is maintained and a fusion of old and new is created in the city. However, modern people failed in their quest for shiny, smooth architecture made of maintenance-free plastic. When Jane Jacobs said to leave the old behind, she meant to embrace corruption. Decay is the nourishment for generation. I would like to acquire this kind of thinking at the Madrid workshop.
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