6月刊行を目指している編著本の目次を考え直したら9章立てになった。概念、関係、構造、空間、表皮、ディテール、社会、環境、態度なかなかいいと思って編集者に送ったら電話がかかってきた。章扉に2千字ずつエッセイが欲しいという!!!!えっ!!ちょっと多い!!I reconsidered the table of contents for the edited book I aim to publish in June; now, it has nine chapters. Each title is Concept, Relationship, Structure, Space, Skin, Detail, Society, Environment, and Attitude. It was pretty good, so I sent it to the editor and got a call. They want an essay of 2,000 words on each chapter door!! ! ! eh! ! That’s a bit much! !
アメリカ版ヴォーグの編集長を30年以上続けるアナ•ウィンターの評伝。500ページ近い辞書のような本。著者はインタビューを数回申し込んだが一度も叶わなかったそうだ。A biography of Anna Winter, who has been the editor-in-chief of American Vogue for over 30 years. A dictionary-like book of nearly 500 pages. The author said she had applied for an interview several times but was never accepted.
ポストキャピタリズムに スムーズに移行するには?
手書き日記には批判も賞賛も同じくらいずつある。昔は批判に対して200字で書くむずかしさを理由に弁解していたが辞めた。書く技術を磨き200字で書けないことは書かなければいいからだ。しかし無理だと思いつつ書いてしまい、やめとけはよかったと思うことは後を絶たない。Handwritten diaries have received equal amounts of criticism and praise. I used to excuse criticism by saying the difficulty of writing in 200 characters, but I quit. I only have to hone my writing skills and I dont need to write anything that cannot be written in 200 letters. However, I wrote it even though I thought it was impossible to write and there are many times when I thought I it is better no to have done it.
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