新関 蒲池
手嶋さんにお呼ばれして行ったお家で来年度の大学院製図を頼もうとしていた新関さんと構造の蒲池さんにばったり会った。構造を軸にユニークな課題を作ってねとお願い。叩いても叩いてもついてくるような学生ばかりなので徹底してやってくださいとも頼んだ。At the house Mr.Teshima inviuted me I bumped into Shinseki-san and Kamachi-san, a structural engineer, who were about to request drafting for next year’s graduate school. I would like them to create a unique challenge centered around structure. I asked them to be thorough, as there were many students who would follow them no matter how hard I hit them.
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