第1章 物が建築になる―先史から古代へ
第2章 建築の中に現れた空間―古代から中世へ
第3章 描かれた建築の視覚性―中世から近世へ
第4章 プロテスタンティズムとモダニズム建築―近代
第5章 物質と触覚の現代―現代
After long discussions with Koichi Kato, the structure of the work to review architectural history from the perspective of objects and space in between was decided upon, and the editorial meeting generally passed.
This book talks about the great trend that transcends the East and West, and that architecture, which began as an object, aims to become a space, and now the tactility and physicality of architecture as an object is being reconsidered.
Chapter 1 Objects become architecture – from prehistory to antiquity
Chapter 2 Space that appeared in architecture – from ancient times to the Middle Ages
Chapter 3 Visuality of depicted architecture – from the Middle Ages to the early modern period
Chapter 4 Protestantism and Modernist Architecture – Modernity
Chapter 5 Modern times of matter and touch – modern times
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