一昨日、日本の雑誌企画で、世界の近代建築セレクションをやっと終わらせた。今日からスペインの雑誌企画で今度は21世紀の日本建築セレクションが始まった。日本版の読者は残念だが日本人、スペイン版の読者は世界の建築家。だから少し違う編集方針。The day before yesterday, I finally finished a Japanese magazine project, a selection of modern architecture from around the world. Today, a Spanish magazine started a new project, this time a selection of Japanese architecture of the 21st century. Unfortunately, the readers of the Japanese edition are Japanese, while the readers of the Spanish edition are architects from around the world. Therefore, the editorial policy is a little different.
明日の9時からの会議のリマインドが夜中の1時半に届いた。なんとその予定完全に落としていた。慌ててその会議資料を作り始め、そういえば10時半にもズーム入れていたじゃないか、、、、唖然。丁重にリスケのお願いを送る。なんだか自分が情けない、、やれやれ。I received a reminder of tomorrow’s 9:00 a.m. meeting at 1:30 a.m. What a surprise, I had completely dropped that appointment. I hurriedly started working on the meeting materials for that meeting and was stunned to see that I had also zoomed in at 10:30 a.m. 、、、、. I politely sent a reschedule request. I felt sorry for myself…oh dear.
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