As I was going down the stairs to go to see Tan Yamanouchi’s spinning home, I heard a clicking sound. The hem of my shirt got caught on the railing and tore. Think of this as a design too. I don’t have time so I’m going out.
1日おきに飲んでいたが、2日おきになり、もうすぐ3日おきになるかも。ワインが減らず、ワインクーラーに入りきらない飲みかけワインが冷蔵庫にあり邪魔だと配偶者に注意される始末。I used to drink wine every other day, but it’s now every 2 days, and may soon be every 3 days. The wine doesn’t go down, and my spouse warns me that the half-drinked wine that doesn’t fit in the wine cooler in the refrigerator is a nuisance. .
I asked the department chairperson to review the doctoral theses of the remaining two students in the second semester. I can say that I’m glad I was able to slip in, but I can also say that the load was heavy as I was cleaning up at the end. Well, let’s do our best.
キッチンシンクの水が溢れて2階から階段途中まで水浸し。バスタオル2枚他ありとあらゆる手段で吸い取り拭き取ること3時間。まだ湿っている。しかし絨毯が洗われて少し綺麗になった。最初に中性洗剤ふりかけたらもっと効いたかも。The water in the kitchen sink overflowed, flooding from the second floor to the middle of the stairs. 3 hours of blotting and wiping with two bath towels and other means available. It’s still damp. However, the carpet has been washed and looks a little cleaner. It might have been more effective if I sprinkled some neutral detergent on it first.
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