高校生向けに書かれたユニークな都市の本を翻訳しました。 「ボローニャ国際児童図書賞」国際審査員特別賞を受賞。 「車は都市を果てしなくスプロールさせる」 「公園が多くなりすぎれば環境負荷を増大させる」など、刺激的な言葉と、ユニークなグラフィックが楽しい、見たことのない都市計画マニュアルです。建築リテラシーを上げたい私が心打たれた本です。世界5か国で翻訳されました。Amazonで予約開始。ぜひとも中高生に読んでほしい本です。
This is the fifth book on architecture and cities that Henmi and I have translated. The author, Osamu, is a Czech of Japanese descent. A unique urban book written for high school students. Received the International Jury Special Award at the Bologna International Children’s Book Award. “Cars, even electric cars, cause cities to sprawl endlessly.” `Speaking of cars, cars make cities endlessly sprawl” “If there are too many parks, the distance traveled will increase and the environmental burden will increase”…Evocative words and unique graphics are fun, never seen before such a unique urban planning manual. This book touched my heart as I wanted to improve people‘s architectural literacy. A popular book that has been translated in five countries around the world. Pre-orders are now available on Amazon. This is a book that all middle and high school students should read.
ミッドライフクライシスとは3-50代が経験する人生への不安。しかし多くの人は何かやって乗り越える。ぼくは38で会社を辞めてこれを乗り越えたんだろうと振り返って思う。しかし最近思うが、晩年クライシスというのもありそうだ。うつ病患者は60以上が3割もいるそうだ?Midlife crisis is an anxiety about life that people in their 30s to 50s experience. But many people do something to overcome it. I look back and think that I quit my job at 38 and got over this. However, recently I have been thinking that there may be a crisis in the last stage of the life. It is said that 30% of patients with depression are over 60.
先日権藤先生よりいただいた。東大の先生だけで書きましたと言う。38人は多いね。理科大は25くらいかな?I received this from Mr. Gondo the other day. It was written only by a professor at the University of Tokyo. 38 people is a lot. I think we have about 25 instructors at TUS.
片桐悠自さんから博士論文をもとにした『アルド・ロッシ記憶の幾何学』をいただく。いつもは貰ったらすぐ読むのだが、どうしても外せない本を読んでいるのでそれが終わってからじっくり読みたい。今時ガチな近代以降の作家論を博論で書くなんて本当に素晴らしい。おめでとう。あとがきに「一冊の書物を著すことは、・・・生の一部から切り離され、別の事物へと移行し、著者の預かり知らぬところの生を歩むのだろう」と書いてあったがそう思う。全く知らぬ人からある時突然自著の話をされたりするものである。I received a copy of “Aldo Rossi’s Geometry of Memory” based on his doctoral thesis from Yuji Katagiri. I usually read it as soon as I receive it, but I’m reading a book that I can’t put down, so I want to read it thoroughly after it’s finished. It’s really wonderful that he wrote such a well-rounded essay on writers from the modern era, which is so relevant these days. Congratulations. In the afterword, he wrote, “Writing a book…is like being cut off from one part of your life, moving on to something else, and walking through a life that is unknown to the author.” I think so. One day, a complete stranger will suddenly tell you about his book
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